Friday, August 24, 2012

"Working Class Hero" in tribute to Joel.. R.I.P.

This is my brother doing what he does best the day before we found out his friend, Joel, had passed away.  My brother doesn't know I'm posting this here but to me he, and Joel are "working class heroes" and the video will tell you the rest.

R.I.P. Joel.. a wonderful friend, father, chef and musician

Friday, August 17, 2012

Eat Pray Love

My brother is reading the book, Eat Pray Love, that my son gave to me before the movie was even made and he told me that it reminded him of me.  I smiled and I cried because I do feel a connection to the story although I have never seen the movie and never made it past the first chapter in the book.
I hope to someday to travel to somewhere of my heritage... or Italy, India, Bali or France. Yes, maybe someday ... that is my dream...